We have developed our own know-how and method in order to offer services of great added value: Auditing Services in Communications and Image, Communications Plans, Reputation Management, Crisis Communications, Financial Communications, Online Communications, Spokespersons’ Training, Crisis Manuals, Welcome Manuals, etc… Our methods are homogenous in any country where we have offices.
Our own know-how
Client Dedication
Our working methods are very plastic. In each case – and depending on our clients’ requirements – we single out consultants with plain dedication, working either from the client’s or our own offices, and if and when our clients consider it convenient, we identify ourselves as a part of our clients’ network regarding third parties.
Committed to a service of excellence
We are devoted to providing a service of excellence. A high and homogenous quality service standard. This is one of our main self-demands; and all our work is supervised by a Quality Team which ensures we follow a mandatory internal code.
We are used to working with sensitive and confidential information: many contracts with our clients include confidentiality clauses. Also, all our professionals sign non-disclosure agreements to ensure all sensitive information is safeguarded according to strict procedures.
Client Protagonism
We do not use any of our success cases for commercial purposes nor do we publicly spread our clients’ portfolios. We believe the only witnesses to our work should be our clients.
e-3D Strategy
This is a working method devised by Estudio de Comunicación which targets online communication with a 360° vision, improving digital presence, brand perception and the brand’s ability to influence social media.
Professional and Ideological Independence
By our own accord, we do not defend political ideologies nor partisan interests. We are an independent business, which allows us to issue opinions and choose the best collaborating companies depending on our clients’ needs and current market supply.