Our professional team

At Estudio de Comunicación, we have a team of 160 professionals in Spain, Argentina, Portugal, Chile and Mexico, who share the same methodology and work philosophy. We are integrated by consultants, public relations and advertising experts, analysts, journalists, designers, etc. A great deal of our professionals has over 10 years of experience within the company as well as previous experience in leading Information Media companies and Communications Departments, and are also fluent in various languages.

Our team’s long career within the Firm guarantees that our professionals have a proven experience with the Firm’s know-how. Each member of the team is part of Estudio de Comunicacion, and is, in this way, nurtured by its working methods; our professionals both represent the Firm’s experience and are at the forefront of our operations, passing their knowledge onto the new generations.

Executive team

Founding Partners

Estudio de Comunicación - Ladislao Azcona - Presidente
Ladislao Azcona
Founding Partner
Estudio de Comunicación - Benito Berceruelo, Consejero Delegado de Estudio de Comunicación
Benito Berceruelo
Founding Partner and CEO


Managing Directors

Victoria Magro
Corporate Development Managing Director
Estudio de Comunicación- Tomás Berzal - Director de Administración y RRHH
Tomás Berzal
Administration and HR Area Managing Director
Estudio de Comunicación - Lourdes Chao - Directora área legal
Lourdes Chao
Legal and Tax Area Managing Director
Pedro Soto
Pedro Soto
Internal Communications Area Managing Director


Accounts Directors

Senior Advisors

International management

Marta Mimoso
Managing Director, Portugal
Manuel Alonso - Socio Director de la oficina de México
Manuel Alonso
Managing Partner, Mexico 
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