According to Mergermarket’s consultancy in M&A (Mergers and Acquisitions) global deals rank, ESTUDIO DE COMUNICACIÓN is the only Spanish consultancy Firm among the world’s top 20.
ESTUDIO DE COMUNICACIÓN has been ranked 16th in their global rank, having advised a total of 18 operations which amount to $49,8 billion. Beyond the deals included in the Mergermarket rank, we have worked at 15 additional M&A deals in 2017 alone.
Last year in Spain, corporative financial operations have considerably increased, after several years of the economic crisis. The Spanish market is still being small compared to the British of the American market, which accumulate the greatest number of these kind of operations.
In words of Benito Berceruelo, Estudio de Comunicación’ CEO, “after 35 years, we are very glad to keep on moving along and helping Spanish companies to communicate as they develop and grow. In 2017 we have had the confidence of big companies in such an important moment as a acquisition, sale or a merger; the work of our team has always been aimed at providing value and protecting the reputation of our customers”.
ESTUDIO DE COMUNICACIÓN is a Corporative Communication Spanish leader company compañía and was founded in 1983. Integrated by more than 150 professionals, over these years the Firm has worked for more than 2500 clients, both companies and institutions. It has offices not only in Spain but also in Argentina, Portugal, Chile and México. It is also present in Germany, Austria, Bélgium, Brasil, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Emiratos Árabes Unidos, United States, France, Hong Kong, India, Italy, Marruecos, Perú, United Kingdom, Singapur, South Africa, Sweden and Uruguay. Presta servicios integrales de Comunicación Corporativa e Institucional: Comunicación online, Comunicación de Crisis, Comunicación Interna, Relaciones con Inversores, Relaciones Institucionales, Relaciones Públicas, Relaciones con los Medios, Comunicación Financiera e Identidad Corporativa, entre otros. ESTUDIO DE COMUNICACION cuenta con una gran experiencia en operaciones financieras como salidas a Bolsa, fusiones y adquisiciones, OPAS, etc. Entre ellas, la salida a Bolsa de Inditex, Telefónica, Iberdrola Renovables, BME, Técnicas Reunidas, Prosegur o Coca-Cola European partners, y fusiones como BB y BV, Arcelor Mittal, British e Iberia, Endesa y Enel, y otras muchas.
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