Estudio de Comunicación, ranks third ‘best-corporate-reputation’ consultancy firm in Spain

  • According to Corporate Reputation Business Monitor MERCO, this year our Firm has climbed two positions in the general rank and stands third only behind Accenture and Indra. It is the top firm at the communications and public affairs sector.


ESTUDIO DE COMUNICACIÓN, the leading Corporate Communications, Public Affairs and PR Intelligence firm in Spain, has been ranked as Spain’s third consultancy firm with the best reputation in 2022, according to Corporate Reputation Business Monitor MERCO. It only stands behind Accenture and Indra, having climbed two positions this year.

Within Spain’s PA and PR sector, ESTUDIO DE COMUNICACIÓN has ranked first, becoming the leading consulting firm with the best corporate reputation. ESTUDIO DE COMUNICACIÓN is focused on helping its international and national clients build trusted relationships with its stakeholders in the Spanish market. Throughout our close to 40-year experience in the local market, we have helped clients navigate reputational risks, critical for organizations operating in rapidly evolving markets. Our focus on the client, local industry intelligence and our passion to provide a seamless service positions our firm as a trusted advisor, particularly in business-critical situations.

The ‘best-corporate-reputation’ ranking was announced earlier this Summer with the publication of MERCO’s XXII edition of ‘MERCO EMPRESAS Y LÍDERES’ ranking, the benchmark corporate monitor in Spain and Latin America. It is the first audited monitor for corporate reputation in the world subject to an independent review by KPMG.

The MERCO EMPRESAS Y LÍDERES 2022 was presented online July 6th, 2022, when the top 100 companies and top 100 leaders with the best reputation were made public. MERCO, obtains this ranking after an exhaustive and detailed analysis of over 46,368 surveys, 7 evaluations and 25 sources of information. Among those surveyed were top executives, including CEOs, members of government, social media managers, financial analysts, Economic professors, SME executives, participants in Merco Talento, financial journalists and other Spanish opinion leaders.

Mr. Benito Berceruelo, CEO of ESTUDIO DE COMUNICACIÓN, says: “We are extremely proud to be among the top three consulting firms with the best corporate reputation in Spain, alongside companies such as Accenture, Indra, McKinsey, or Boston Consulting Group. Yet our greatest satisfaction is to be able to partner with over 2,500 clients who have trusted our firm for almost 40 years to give them PR and PA intelligence in Spain and help them communicate with their different target audiences. Thanks to the trust of our clients and the talent of our professionals, we have obtained this recognition, which encourages us to continue innovating in communication and providing a service of excellence in the Spanish market”.

Mr. José María San Segundo, Director of MERCO, explains that “this edition shows key market and industry changes, both in organizations and their management teams. Companies have made progress in the reputation area, while ESG responsibility and internationalization continue to be the main weaknesses. At a business leaders’ level, communication deficits continue to be a drag on the reputational profile”,

Attached is the full link to the study (in Spanish): PDF

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