Listening will improve employee commitment

At Estudio de Comunicación we understand that work environment and commitment studies are a powerful communication tool regarding the organization’s management and its professionals. It is not only a matter of listening to evaluate professional satisfaction levels; it is crucial to understand what commits and disengages professionals from their work at the company.

We have a work model and a process that integrates measurements and actions on key elements that impact professional commitment.

Our service provides:

  • A complete vision of both professional alignment and key behaviours for business success and the conditions that must be taken into account to encourage commitment.
  • A map of professional commitment profiles that allows the identification of areas or clusters ranging from the ‘highly committed’ to the ‘unhooked’.
  • The identification of key levers on which action can be taken to advance the commitment of its professionals.
  • The use of new computational linguistics tools in the analysis of what professionals feel when they talk about their work in the company.
  • A reliable, flexible and experienced on-line tool that supports the response process.
  • A tool for defining action plans for managers, encouraging their feeling of responsibility towards improving the commitment of each team.
  • An application to visualize the organization’s results.
  • A benchmark comparing the company to our reference database in the market.
  • An in-depth analysis and professional interpretation on how people’s opinions are impacting their work and performance.
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