Political turmoil in Spain

The president of Spain’s government, Pedro Sánchez, has brought forward the general elections to 23 July following the significant defeat of his party, PSOE, in the local and regional elections held on 28 May. Opposition party, PP, was the clear winner and now has the upper hand ahead of this summer’s national elections. However, it is likely that it will need to ally with another party or parties, which has triggered political turmoil in Spain.

More than 50% of Spanish companies expect growth in 2023 through acquisitions and strategic alliances

Up to 54% of Spanish managers plan to grow their companies by alliances or acquisitions in the coming months, according to a study carried out by KPMG and CEOE. After surveying the opinion of 1,100 Spanish businesspeople, the research concludes that one in four executives expect to close an acquisition or alliance in 2023 to bolster the growth of their businesses, both in new markets and in products.

Spain’s medium-sized companies multiply their sales by 22 in 8 years and reach 18% of the GDP

Mid-sized companies in Spain already have aggregated revenue of 221 billion, equivalent to 18% of the national GDP, after multiplying it by 22 in eight years, according to a study carried out by the CRE100DO Foundation in collaboration with PwC. In total, these companies create one million direct jobs and 7% of private sector jobs.

Spain’s listed companies distribute dividends of €8.5 billion in four months

Spain’s listed companies handed out €8.5 billion in dividends among their shareholders in the first four months of 2023, according to data from Bolsas y Mercados Españoles (BME), Spain’s stock market operator. This figure is 8% higher than the amount distributed in the same period last year, when companies paid out €7,9 billion and doubles these payments from 2021.

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