App – El Corte Inglés

Captura de pantalla 2018-02-08 a las 14.26.00 copia


On 2017 El Corte Inglés wanted to ensure that their employees would have a new informative channel at their disposal and, with it, to reinforce the digitalization of its communication tools. The project materialized in the creation of an app, whose objective was to serve as a step forward in internal communications, more aware of current society and with the employee’s habits and clients on their daily routine in mind, as well as reaching to all the persons on the company.


We had two challenges, the first one was to overcome the barrier of corporate applications installations on private terminals, while the second was to check how the app strengthened the employee’s sense of belonging in the company. From now on, employees carry El Corte Ingles in their pocket and this makes it easier for them to make arguments in favour of the brand, both inside and outside of their workplace.

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