Listening and acting

Our Internal Communications approach transcends information, aiming to stimulate and mobilize professionals. At Estudio de Comunicación we understand that internal communication is a key influence tool in supporting and accelerating cultural change in organizations, increasing professional commitment and stimulating their role as promoters of brand reputation.

At Estudio de Comunicación we are convinced that added value of Internal Communications comes from a focus on the organization’s needs regarding professional values and behaviour; understanding what their “story” is about the company’s situation and its challenges; supplying information; generating opportunities for dialogue; supporting leadership; stimulating behaviors the company seeks.

Our main services are:

INFORMATION: Effective channels ensure credible knowledge and understanding

  • Audits to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency (coverage, credibility, focus…) of existing IC channels, with recommendations for improvement
  • Design and start-up of IC channels and campaigns
  • Internal marketing programs

DIALOGUE: Effective channels to ensure professionals are a part of the company’s dialogue, so we understand what stimulates them, what holds them back, and ensure they are able and willing to participate.

  • Qualitative and quantitative studies of engagement, culture and climate
  • Surveys and studies of perceptions about internal communication
  • Studies to identify responsibility levers for employees in the promotion of their company’s reputation
  • Bi-directional channels for internal communication, supported by corporate social networks, social intranets, apps or off-line support
  • Campaigns oriented towards listening and participation

LEADERSHIP: Using communications as a tool to reinforce formal leadership at all levels and identify and align informal leadership with change management strategies

  • Management Board activation programs – employees perceive their company’s expectations through the manager’s words and actions
  • Integration of communication practices within the company’s management style
  • Implementation of managerial communication practices in industrial environments
  • 360° feedback programs on communication, training and support for managers
  • Identification of internal “influencers” for the promotion of values ​​and the dynamization of communication in informal networks, using network analysis technologies (ARS)

STIMULI: Specific stimulation programs for necessary business behaviors

  • Alignment and professional promotion programs regarding specific business challenges (sales, service, efficiency, security, …) supported by Internal Communications
  • Specific employee responsibility programs for the promotion of their business’ reputation within their environment (interpersonally and in social networks)
  • Implementation of social Intranets or Corporate Social Networks, as spaces encouraging collaborative behavior.

App – El Corte Inglés

Case studies

Internal Communication – Dia Group

Road Show – thyssenkrupp

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